+33 678 06 25 07 pascal.weil@almira.fr
  • Français

    Standard Contracts

    Your Company’s lifeblood

    Your company’s lifeblood

    These contracts form the foundation of your turnover. Making this base broader and stronger strengthens your Client portfolio, which in turn gives you the opportunity to expand the scope of your developments.

    We propose to structure your process around the following sales basics:

    Prospects’ Backlog
    • Conduct Regular Reviews to ensure relevance of prospects’ portfolios
    Anticipate & prepare
    Short-, medium- and long-term Sales actions
    • Identify short-, medium- and long-term targets
    • Set up a winning strategy and associated action plan
    Hire the Transition Manager / Salesperson

    • Identify and hire the individual to manage or perform sales function for a specified period
    Business Introductions
    • Identify the partner(s) who will help win new contracts
    Create a Customized Sales Training Program
    • Review specific training needs
    • Design and implement the customized training curriculum
    Do a Post-Mortem on Won and Lost Contracts
    • Identify and Analyze the reasons for winning or losing a deal

    For your personalized support, contact us at
    +33 678 06 25 07   pascal.weil@almira.fr